Ep 212 How to pick the perfect book title

podcast-artworkIn Episode 212 of So you want to be a writer: Tips for how to pick the perfect book title. Plus: how you can promote your book and build a mailing list, even before your book is published.

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Show Notes

Listener Shout Out

From louisejallan:

This is my favourite podcast for writers. I remember Episode 1, around which time I was first starting to write, and here I am, 200+ episodes later, still listening. I’ve learnt heaps about writing —from Val and Al, and also from the writer-in-residence. I enjoy the banter between the two ladies, the updates on banoffee pie (which, by the way, was one of the desserts on the menu at my son’s recent valedictory dinner—how could I not try it?). But the most enriching part of the podcast has to be the word of the week, which has fortified my vocabulary to the point where people follow me around with a dictionary in order to understand what I’m saying. Anyway, I’ll keep listening as long as you two ladies keep going. Well done on such a delightful mix of information and entertainment.

Thanks louisejallan!

Listener Questions

From Brooke:

It’s probably way too early for me to even be thinking about a title for my nascent book, but I can’t help wondering about how it’s done.

Val and Al, how do you pick the perfect book title? How important is it? Is there a formula for success?


From Hakea:

We’ve had our debut novel contracted with Magabala Books! What can authors do to support traditional publishers marketing efforts? How can you build a mail list without any books published!!??

Here are some links you might find useful, Hakea:

Kylie Ladd on the aftermath of abduction

Author Ruth Devine on the writing techniques to appeal to kid with ADHD

Valerie and Allison answer these questions on the podcast!

Your hosts

Allison Tait

Valerie Khoo / Australian Writers’ Centre

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