The Richell Prize Long List 2017

It’s always exciting to see who made the Richell Prize long list, and this year is no exception. There are 20 fabulous writers on the list – and AWC alumnus Michelle Barraclough is on there with her work, As I Am.

The Richell Prize has been running for 3 years now and was established by Hachette Australia in partnership with the Emerging Writers’ Festival and The Guardian Australia. It’s for unpublished authors of adult fiction and adult narrative non-fiction.

This year’s judges are Izzy Roberts-Orr, Hannah Richell, Amelia Lush, and Robert Watkins.

The winning author will get $10,000 in prize money, plus a 12 month mentorship with Hachette.

So, who’s on this year’s short list? From the Emerging Writers’ Festival website:

Michelle Barraclough, As I Am
Meagan Bertram, Trapped
Lucinda Coleman, Windjana
Sam Coley, State Highway One
Miranda Debeljakovic, Waiting for the Sun
Jacquie Garton-Smith, The Taste of Red Dust
Rose Hartley, The Caravan
Diana Jarman, The Philatelist’s Album
Julie Keys, Triptych
Kinch Kinski, Tabula
Carolyn Malkin, The Demon Drink
Fay Patterson, Tinker Tinker
Caitlin Porter, The Pearl Diver
Natasha Rai, Light in Dark Corners
Julie Scanlon, The Other Shade of Black
Stewart Sheargold, Wolf Whistle
Joshua Taylor, The Life and Times of a River
Jacqueline Trott, The Song of River Country
Bronte Winn, Edward
Karen Wyld, Where the Fruit Falls

Congratulations to all who made it to the long list. The shortlist will be announced on 2 October.

For more details, head to the Emerging Writers’ Festival website.

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