$10,000 to be won: ACU Prize for Poetry 2017

$10,000 is up for grabs in the 2017 Australian Catholic University (ACU) Prize for Poetry.

Now that we’ve got your attention, you’ll want to know more. It’s open to unpublished works (including not published on a website or blog) and must not exceed 80 lines.

First prize is $10,000, second prize is $5,000 and third prize is $3,000.

This year’s judge is poet Professor Chris Wallace-Crabbe AM and the theme is “joy”.

From the media release:

The Prize’s sponsor, ACU’s Director of Identity and Mission, Fr Anthony Casamento, reflecting on this year’s theme commented: “At a time of uncertainty across the world, now, as much as any time in the past, we need to be joy-filled people. Poetry is a powerful medium for reflecting on how joy can be manifested, or how its absence can be damaging.”

It’s open to Australian residents as well as international students currently studying at an Australian university. There is a $25 entry.

Entries opened on the 3 April 2017 and close on the 3 July 2017.

To find out more, head to the ACU website

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