Historical Novel Society Conference and Short Story Competition

The Historical Novel Society Australasia (HNSA) 2017 conference will be held in Melbourne from 8-10 September 2017. Plus, they’re hosting a short story competition this year (more details below).

We’re super excited about this conference. Three Australian Writers’ Centre presenters – Kate Forsyth, Pamela Hart and Natasha Lester are speaking at the event and featuring on panels.

The two-day conference is jam-packed with fascinating sessions including events on identity and diaspora, writing successful series, paths to publication and much more.

Not only is there a fabulous line up of regular sessions, the conference also has bonus super sessions, research masterclasses, manuscript assessments and more. From the media release:

In addition to the two stream weekend programme, there will be ten smaller super sessions on Historical Mysteries, Historical Romance, Children and Young Adult Fiction, Pitching to Publishers, Social Media, Scrivener, Self-Publishing, Family History, Trove, and the Business of Writing. Dr Gillian Polack is offering two research masterclasses. You won’t want to miss our interactive sessions on armour and historical costumes either!

Manuscript assessments will be conducted by industry experts, Kylie Mason and Irina Dunn.

Is that all they’re packing into two days? Nope! There’s even more awesomeness including a pitch contest and a short story competition. From the media release:

Our First Pages Pitch Contest offers an opportunity for submissions to be read aloud to a panel of publishers.  And we are delighted to announce the introduction of our inaugural HNSA Short Story Contest with a $500 prize!

Want to know more about the conference and all of its extras? Head to the Historical Novel Society Australasia website.

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