Fleur Ferris: From farm girl to published author of young adult thrillers

Living on a farm and juggling her responsibilities as a busy mother, Fleur Ferris always wanted to write books. And since completing the five-week online course in Writing Books for Children and Young Adults at the Australian Writers’ Centre, Fleur landed a book deal, scored an agent and has gone on to publish four young adult thriller novels to date – Risk (2015), Black (2016) and Wreck (2017), Found (2018).

It’s been an amazing ride for Fleur. Her stellar career as a novelist is well and truly underway (with more and more readers onboard as each book is released) – a far cry from when she used to sit writing in isolation on her farm.

She had already written five unpublished novels when she decided to enrol in one of the courses at the Australian Writers’ Centre. Above all, she wanted to hone her skills, improve her craft and get feedback from industry professionals.

“I chose to do a course specifically aimed at writing for children, as this was the field I wanted my writing career to go,” says Fleur.

The benefits of feedback

One of the things that Fleur found most useful about completing the online course was doing the weekly assignments and getting immediate feedback on them. (Note, this isn’t a full-time five weeks – instead just requires a few hours each week to review each module and complete the tasks.)

“The assignments were challenging and interesting and our instructor (Cathie Tasker) was honest, professional and direct – her feedback was invaluable.”

The course required students to submit assignments into an online forum, with the unique benefit of being able to read the work of the other students and see the tutor’s feedback on their assignments too – a real bonus for the online format. “This was just as valuable as reading the feedback on my own work,” says Fleur.

Risk pays off

At the same time, Fleur scored herself an agent and her debut young adult thriller novel, Risk, was published by Random House in 2015.

“It was a huge learning curve, but my agent and the team at Random House Australia were so supportive throughout the whole process that my worries were quickly squashed and everything ran smoothly.”

Fleur recalls how nervous she was as the release date approached – particularly about how her book would be received and reviewed. “But when I actually saw it displayed in a bookstore, I was so proud and happy I almost cried. I had worked so hard on improving my work and focused on getting published for so long it was almost unbelievable when it finally happened.” And now, even with two more books under her belt, the excitement is still there. “Writing full time was my dream job and now I’m doing it!”

Juggling act

“My writing day often begins at about 9am after my children leave for school. On the days I am uninterrupted by farm duties, I will work until my kids arrive home, around 4 pm. I am also on social media during this time, during breaks. After 4pm it’s all go-go-go with the family, helping with homework, preparing dinner, and bedtime routines. I am then free from about 8pm.”

She admits that she’s often simply too tired at night to do quality work so, unless a deadline is pushing her, she doesn’t work a lot in the evening. But when she is in the writing phase of a book, her mind is so active that she doesn’t seem to need more than six hours sleep, so may start writing at 4am. “I can get a lot of work done between 4 am and 7 am!”

Invaluable advice and feedback

With Fleur’s career as a novelist up and running, she often recommends courses at the Australian Writers’ Centre.

In fact, she plans to enrol in the AWC screenwriting course – she just needs the planets to align so that the screenwriting course schedule coincides with a break in her own schedule. “I want to be able to put all of my energy into it, so I get the most out of it.”

“A few people have asked me what courses they should do if they want to be a writer. AWC has a great range of courses to choose from. They are reasonably priced, can be done online, around your schedule. Doing a course with AWC will improve your craft, provide opportunities to meet and make friends with other writers and you will receive invaluable advice and feedback from experienced industry professionals.”



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