Sydney meet-up with Tristan Bancks

Time and date:

Tuesday 1 April 2014
Although the official time is from 6.30pm to 8pm, you are welcome to stay as long as you like – and we imagine many of you will!


Tristan Bancks is an author of books for children and teens. He has a background in acting and filmmaking. His books include My Life & Other Stuff I Made Up, Mac Slater Coolhunter (Australia & US), Galactic Adventures First Kids in Space and the Nit Boy series (about a kid with the worst case of nits in world history). His latest book, My Life and Other Stuff that Went Wrong, will hit bookstores on 1 April 2014.

His short films as writer and director have won a number of awards and have screened widely in festivals and on TV. His most recent books are Two Wolves, a crime-mystery novel for middle-graders (March 2014) and My Life & Other Stuff That Went Wrong (April 2014), a second book of weird-funny-gross short stories. Tristan is excited by the future of storytelling and inspiring others to create. Check out Story Scrapbook, his free multimedia story brainstorming app, and chat to Tristan at


The Kirribilli Club
11 Harbour View Crescent, Lavender Bay NSW 2060
(right next door to us)

Cost: $10

Some of Tristan’s books include:

Check out the book trailer for Tristan’s latest book here:

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