This month, we’ve gone memoir-mad, with not one, not two, not three, not four, not 10, but FIVE hand-picked memoirs to give away to one lucky winner!

We love a good memoir. Perhaps it’s the mixed bag of experiences – some across decades, others just days. Maybe it’s the way that each is written, very personal accounts that draw you in. And it could be the human story behind each one – and how we are all very interesting in very different ways.

We have FIVE memoirs for you to devour as we hit the winter months. Please welcome onto the competition stage:

It’s a mix of humour, heartbreak and honesty – and the whole pack could be yours!

Here’s what you need to do to WIN this month:

Tell us your all-time FAVOURITE memoir and WHY you love it (in 25 words or fewer).

It’s that simple!

However, this is a game of skill, and we’ll be looking for a good “why” part of your entry if you want to take home the prize! You have a whole month to enter this one, so feel free to take your time. (One entry per person please.)

Our favourite entry will win the book pack.

This competition has now closed – thanks for your entries!


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