COMP CLOSED: iWin 'Becoming Steve Jobs' – 2 to give away!

This week’s Australian Writers’ Centre competition prize is the latest biography about the late Apple founder, Steve Jobs. Since his death in 2011 (and even before), there have been a number of books attempting to unlock the man behind the machines – and this one promises many new insights.

As the book’s publicity states, it’s “a business book like no other – written by the journalist who knew Steve Jobs best, and containing exclusive new material.”

Brent Schlender (the journo who “knew Steve best”) and Fast Company’s Rick Tetzeli are the authors. The book focuses primarily on the transition that began when Jobs found himself jobless from Apple in the mid-80s and culminated in his triumphant return a decade later – transforming the ailing company into one of the world’s biggest brands.

If you love products that start with “i”, want to know the business lessons behind Apple’s turnaround, or simply like entering our competitions, this one is definitely worth winning!

We have two copies of Becoming Steve Jobs: The evolution of a reckless upstart into a visionary leader (that’s the full title!) to give away. To be in to win one of them, simply ‘invent’ for us a new Apple device – something you think they should get into next. The crazier and funnier the better. (e.g. “the iPlod – new range of shoes”)

The two entries we like best will each win a copy of the book.

This competition is now closed. Thanks for entering!

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