AWC graduate Mahsa Fratantoni wins food writing tour to Sri Lanka

Congratulations to Australian Writers’ Centre graduate Mahsa Fratantoni who has just been announced as the 2015 recipient of the World Nomads Passport and Plate food and travel writing competition. We’re particularly chuffed for Mahsa because it’s an international competition and she beat out strong competitors from all over the globe.

Mahsa was one of three winners (the other two are from Canada) and her prize is a food writing tour in Sri Lanka (with every bite captured on film by her very own cameraman!).

This is the result of Mahsa’s awesome blog Maman’s Kitchen. It’s gorgeous and we have already tried out a few recipes from it!

Mahsa’s Persian-style potato fritters

Mahsa says: “I did the Writing for Web course a couple years ago. Back then I did the course so that I could write more efficiently on my employer’s website and blog.

“Since then I have gone freelance and it is proving to be the best decision I ever made. I also started a blog called Maman’s Kitchen (, where I write weekly articles with my mum about Persian food and culture. I photograph and style everything and manage all our social media platforms and e-newsletter.

“The course was fantastic, yes. But, it’s more than that. I am always left feeling inspired after reading your e-newsletters, listening to your podcasts and meeting other like-minded writers at your Sydney meet-ups.”

Talented blogger and Australian Writers’ Centre graduate Mahsa Fratantoni

You can check out the big announcement here.

And you can follow Mahsa on Twitter here: @madamemahsa and @mamanskitchen

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