"I got published!": Ruth Dawkins

We love hearing from our students no matter what they have to say, but when we hear of a student being published, we just want to shout it from the rooftops! We’re a little scared of heights, so we’ll go with a blog post instead.

Ruth says:

Since completing the course I’ve had several pieces selected for publication on popular websites. It feels so good being paid to write! The most recent ones are: ‘The Food Story of My Marriage’ in xoJane, ‘Our 35-year age gap has made our marriage happier’ in Kidspot and ‘How do you Measure Motherhood’ in Mamlode.

I’ve also secured a regular column at The Island Review, writing about life in Tasmania.

The AWC course was helpful to me in so many ways, but the single biggest advice I took away from it was on how to pitch. Before the course I had lots of ideas, I just didn’t know what to do with them.

Allison Tait and the AWC taught me so much about how to construct a strong pitch tailored to a specific publication. The course boosted my confidence enormously, so that now when I email an editor with an idea I take the approach that I’m doing them a favour by offering them my skills as a writer, rather than feeling apologetic and awkward for taking up their time.

Congratulations Ruth! Wanna read what she wrote? Follow the links above!

If you have a success story to share with us, you can do so right here. We’ll share it with the world!

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