Newsmodo founder Rakhal Ebeli is changing the game

The only thing that stays the same is change, right? Founder of Newsmodo, Rakhal Ebeli, would surely agree.

Established in 2012, Newsmodo is an online network that connects freelance writers with clients to work on a range of job opportunities. Rakhal set it up in response to the “rapid dismantling” of the media industry that he saw taking place right before his eyes. Just two years on, Newsmodo has disrupted the industry, with around 14,000 journalists across the globe registered to the service, generating content for newspapers, magazines, publishers, television networks and a growing number of consumer brands.

Valerie Khoo spoke with Rakhal recently, in episode 22 of our top-rated podcast, So you want to be a writer. Check out the full interview and the rest of the episode now!

“Things change very dramatically very fast, and it’s all about embracing that change. Pretending that you know everything is not going to do yourself or those around you any favours… you don’t know what you don’t know. You’ve just got to keep learning and absorbing.”

– Rakhal Ebeli, Founder of Newsmodo

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