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“I learnt so much. In fact, during that five-week course, I learnt more than I’d ever learnt in English at school! Doing a course at the Australian Writers’ Centre gets you to the position you need to be at as a writer so much faster.”
Heather Smith
Author of 6 top selling books including Xero for Dummies
"Online learning suits my lifestyle from a time perspective. I love being able to download the audios, listen to them when I like and keep them forever. Perfect. Best money you'll ever spend if you're serious about your writing."
Jocelyn Pride
Now an award-winning travel writer
“If it wasn’t for the Australian Writers’ Centre, there would be no book. I would still be thinking about writing and not doing it. The best part is that I’ve discovered writing and what an important part of me it is!”
Sara Donovan
Author of Love By Numbers