Zanni Louise

Zanni Louise is a CBCA Notables author of more than 15 books. She is passionate about writing quality books for children and inspiring people to write their own stories.

Zanni has collaborated with award-winning illustrators to create picture books, including the popular Errol series. She also writes for young readers, including the Tiggy and the Magic Paintbrush series and Stardust School of Dance. Her recent picture book series, Human Kind, helps kids and their parents discuss values that are important to them.

Zanni’s books have been described as quirky, warm and funny, and are sold in 19 foreign territories. She’s been twice listed in the CBCA Notables, and her picture book, Archie and the Bear, was selected for the highly prestigious international children’s catalogue, The White Ravens.

Zanni teaches Writing Picture Books.

Some of Zanni's books include:

Presenter for:

Writing Picture Books
Want to be the next big thing for little people? Learn the essentials to creating the perfect picture prose that will delight small folk every time.


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