What was your favourite book you read in 2021?

One of the best ways to discover something new is through ‘word of mouth’ recommendations. It could be a bottle of wine, a movie, someone to clean your gutters or even something great to read.

We know for a fact that our community has read a lot of books this past year. Fiction and non-fiction books by Australian and international authors that provided often much-needed worlds for us to escape into for hours (or days!) at a time. 

So, we decided to use the power of our community of book lovers to create the ultimate holiday reading recommendation list! Here’s how it will work:

  • Let us know which book made your favourites list by using the form below.
  • Enter your name and the book title/author/genre. The book doesn’t have to have come out in 2021 – just one that you read and enjoyed this year.
  • Write a short 25-words-or-fewer “review” of why you loved it.
  • Submit it and we’ll share a (curated) list before Christmas!

Sound like fun? If you have more than one book that you enjoyed, feel free to enter them separately (but no more than three per person please!). Remember, it could be anything from non-fiction to children’s books, the choice is yours. Don’t forget to tell us why you loved it!

TELL US YOUR BEST READS of 2021 by using the form below. Submissions close midday, Friday 17 December 2021 (Sydney/Melbourne time).

Entries have now closed. Thanks for sharing. We look forward to sharing the list with you!

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