Ep 023: How to triumph in the face of adversity, with Kate Halfpenny

A once-in-a-lifetime job opportunity that turned toxic was the catalyst for leading journalist Kate Halfpenny to turn her hand to content writing. And what a journey she’s been on ever since. She shares the highs and lows and lessons learnt here.

Bad mothers. Boogie boarding. Bad jobs that make us question our worth and ability.  Making a sea change. Life. Death.  Empty nesting.

What’s all this got to do with copywriting? Well, a lot actually because my guest today is Kate Halfpenny, one of Australia’s most successful journalists. As the executive editor of  Who magazine for 24 years, chief of staff for The New Daily newspaper for many years, and a writer for The Age and other leading publications, Kate moved from journalism into a marketing  communications role – and absolutely hated it!

That experience forced her to confront what she really wanted to do, where she really wanted to live, who she really wanted to spend time with, and part of that reinvention was to become a content writer and a highly sought after one, at that.

That’s what it’s got to do with copywriting.

In this episode, Kate and I discuss:

  • What’s being a ‘bad mother’ really mean and why it might actually be a good thing
  • Why she took a communications role and why it ended so badly
  • How to pitch to the media and get your stories picked up
  • How to ‘bug’ journalists without being annoying
  • How to come up with great ideas
  • How to navigate transitioning from motherhood to empty nesting
  • Why life is too short to be anything less than honest
  • How to deal with rejection 
  • How to know when the copy you write is good or not
  • The 7 step structure for writing content 
  • How to make a sea change
  • Why we love Guy Pearce

Mentioned in this episode:

About Kate:

After 35 years as a journalist, editor and communications professional for national magazines, newspapers and digital platforms (most recently as chief of staff and entertainment and lifestyle editor at The New Daily, and long-time executive editor of WHO magazine) Kate has added a new string to her bow as the ‘go-to’ writer for LinkedIn profiles.  She is in high demand as a media columnist, and has regular spots as a commentator on current affairs, entertainment, politics and sport on live TV (ABC Radio Melbourne, The Morning Show, Sunrise, The Project), She is a seasoned public speaker and panellist with industry insight and excellent contacts at all levels of media.

Listen to the episode below. Listen on Apple Podcasts or Spotify, or add the podcast RSS feed manually to your favourite podcast app.

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