Edit Your Novel

Shape your story into its brilliant final form

This program is for writers who:

 Have graduated from our Write Your Novel program
 Have completed a first draft (or more) of their manuscript
 Are seeking expert guidance and feedback on their writing
 Want to join an elite writing group and benefit from advanced workshopping
 Are ready to perform a structural edit on their work – so they can prepare their manuscript for publication


Edit Your Novel

Shape your story into its brilliant final form

This program is for writers who:

 Have graduated from our Write Your Novel program
 Have completed a first draft (or more) of their manuscript
 Are seeking expert guidance and feedback on their writing
 Want to join an elite writing group and benefit from advanced workshopping
 Are ready to perform a structural edit on their work – so they can prepare their manuscript for publication


Edit Your Novel

Shape your story into its brilliant final form


This program is for writers who:

 Have graduated from our Write Your Novel program
 Have completed a first draft (or more) of their manuscript
 Are seeking expert guidance and feedback on their writing
 Want to join an elite writing group and benefit from advanced workshopping
 Are ready to perform a structural edit on their work – so they can prepare their manuscript for publication

Starts Duration With
Course details:
Online live with tutor Learn in real-time using Zoom.
Tuesday 21 February 2023
6 months
6.30–8.30pm AEST
Cathie Tasker
 per month
Bookings close soon

Edit Your Novel is a masterclass exclusively for Write Your Novel graduates 

You’ve learnt the essential techniques for fantastic fiction. You’ve written and workshopped your first draft all the way to ‘The End’. Now you’re ready to shape your manuscript into a publisher-ready piece of art. It’s time to Edit Your Novel!

Starting the redrafting process can be daunting – but we’re here to help

When you’ve finished your first draft, it’s hard to know where to start making it better. (And you know it needs to be better!) This program combines the proven benefits of group workshopping with a streamlined editing process so you can shape your story with confidence.

In this six-month program, you’ll edit your novel following the Australian Writers’ Centre’s signature Power Editing Process – guided by an experienced online tutor and an intimate group of writing peers. You’ll enjoy in-depth discussions and personalised feedback in regular Zoom sessions. And you’ll experience the joy of seeing your manuscript through to its next stage.


Across the six months, you will:

  • perform a structural edit on your novel following the Power Editing Process
  • be guided each step along the way by an experienced tutor
  • workshop your novel and receive regular feedback with your writing peers
  • identify the weak points in your story and discover what you need to do to strengthen them
  • emerge from the program with a next-level draft of your book and a set of beta readers to read it.

You might be ready to work on your second draft. Or perhaps your goal is to have your manuscript ready to submit to an agent or publisher. Whatever stage you’re at, the program will work for you.

With support and guidance, you’ll work through your draft, from structure to style, and improve it at every step. At the end of the program, several people will read your whole book and provide you with feedback – and you’ll do the same for them. It’s a powerful process and one that can make all the difference to the quality of your novel.

Enjoy the benefits of this online live program

  • This program gives you access to your own online classroom and weekly Zoom sessions, where you’ll be able to connect with other classmates and workshop your novel in a supportive environment – with people who share your passion and are at the same level of experience and achievement (no newbies here).
  • You’ll be guided by your online tutor – on hand for any questions you may have and to provide personalised feedback on your work. Our tutors are experienced experts with years of knowledge to draw on. They’re like your mentor throughout this program.
  • This program has been designed to help you finish your next draft, providing the structure and discipline to make it happen within the timeframe, using the Power Editing Process as a step-by-step guide.
  • We’ll help you make the hard choices that editing a book always entails – how to ‘kill your darlings’, cut the flab, fill in the blanks, and always with the goal of making your story the best version it can be.

What can you expect?

  • Weekly Zoom classes to help you work through the Power Editing Process with the guidance of your online tutor.
  • Dedicated workshopping with your tutor and classmates to help you with specific sections of your novel.
  • You’ll provide regular feedback to other students in the program on their novels – a valuable way to enhance your writing skills.
  • Your full novel will be read by your peers (in a small group), and you’ll read theirs.
  • Expert feedback on your novel’s edited climax and resolution from your online tutor.

Take the loneliness out of editing

It can be quite a solitary endeavour trying to edit your whole novel all by yourself. Edit Your Novel brings you back to working with a group who can encourage you, point out where you need to improve, and act as your ‘tribe’, even after the program is over. And of course, you’ll be guided through the process by one of our experienced online tutors, who have mentored countless authors just like you.

It’s the best of both worlds – you improve your book, and you develop editing skills which you can use again and again in your future writing.

Are you ready to take your writing up to the next level? Do you want to work with a group of aspiring authors like you who are committed to becoming better writers? Do you want guidance and help in completing your next draft?

Then join us for Edit Your Novel!

How to write your novel with AWC​


Q: I’m writing a memoir. Is this program suitable for that?
A: The focus of the program will be on novels and fiction, but many of the same issues (especially structure) apply to memoirs. Not all of the Power Editing Process exercises will be applicable to memoir, but you should still be able to improve your draft through this program.

Q: I have most of my first draft done. Can I join the class and finish the draft as I go?
A: No. You must have the entire draft finished before you join the class – the first exercise, in Module 1, requires you to have a completed draft.

If you want to finish your first draft, we recommend Write Your Novel.

Q: I’ve done three drafts, and I think my novel really just needs a polish. Will this program give me my money’s worth?
A: Almost certainly. Three drafts is great (and congratulations for getting that far!). But you may find, once you start analysing your manuscript using the Power Editing Process, that you need to do more than you think you do.

And receiving regular feedback from a group of experienced beta readers and supportive tutor during this final stage of your manuscript is priceless.

Q: Can’t I just do the Power Editing Process on my own?
A: Yes, indeed you can. This process is outlined in the Cut, Shape, Polish course, and it’s been designed so you can work through it to get your next draft. If you’re self-motivated and confident about making your own editing decisions on your manuscript, go for it.

However, editing within a supported framework has a number of advantages:

  • Assessment and guidance from an experienced tutor.
  • Feedback from beta readers (your fellow students act as your beta readers).
  • A timeline – and a deadline! – which will keep you on track to have a fully completed draft in six months.
  • Advice on your next steps.

Working alone doesn’t suit everyone – and, frankly, it’s hard to be objective about your own work. Having your editing processes checked and improved by a mentor and having your story read by beta readers is the best way to improve your draft.

Q: Do I need to log in at a set time?
A: You’ll attend the class meeting live via Zoom once a week. But the course modules, exercises, group workshopping and your own writing and editing can be completed in your own time – simply follow the deadlines to submit.

The next Edit Your Novel program will run early 2023. Register your interest below to hear about the next date as soon as it’s available. 

Starts Duration With
Course details:
Online live with tutor Learn in real-time using Zoom.
Tuesday 21 February 2023
6 months
6.30–8.30pm AEST
Cathie Tasker
 per month
Bookings close soon

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Please note: We’ll never sell or distribute your personal details. Any details collected will only be used by the Australian Writers’ Centre to notify you of relevant course information every fortnight or so. Read our full privacy policy.