Life Writing

We all have a story to share. Learn how to tell yours

This course is ideal for: Anyone with a story to tell from an experience or time in their life.

You will:
Feel empowered to find your unique voice
Share your own experiences in a compelling way
Add the right structure to your memories
Bring your story to life for your readers.

“This course helped me find a practice, a community, a framework to shape my stories and courage to share my stories. It might do the same for you.”
– Ellen Stanfield, Life Writing graduate

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Life Writing

We all have a story to share. Learn how to tell yours

This course is ideal for: Anyone with a story to tell from an experience or time in their life.


You will:
Feel empowered to find your unique voice
Share your own experiences in a compelling way
Add the right structure to your memories
Bring your story to life for your readers.

“This course helped me find a practice, a community, a framework to shape my stories and courage to share my stories. It might do the same for you.”
– Ellen Stanfield, Life Writing graduate

See more reviews

Life Writing

We all have a story to share. Learn how to tell yours


This course is ideal for: Anyone with a story to tell from an experience or time in their life.

You will:
Feel empowered to find your unique voice
Share your own experiences in a compelling way
Add the right structure to your memories
Bring your story to life for your readers.

“This course helped me find a practice, a community, a framework to shape my stories and courage to share my stories. It might do the same for you.”
– Ellen Stanfield, Life Writing graduate

See more reviews
Starts Duration With
Course details:
Online live with tutor Learn in real-time using Zoom.
Tuesday 17 January 2023
6 mornings
10am–12pm AEDT
Patti Miller

Please note, the Tuesday 17 January 2023 course runs on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings over 3 weeks.
Session dates are as follows:
Week 1: Tuesday 17 and Wednesday 18 January
Week 2: Tuesday 24 and Wednesday 25 January
Week 3: Tuesday 31 and Wednesday 1 February

Take a trip back in time

The Australian Writers’ Centre is delighted to present a course on Life Writing with Patti Miller. The course explores creative autobiographical writing and will set you on the journey of writing your life. Patti is the author of Writing True Stories (Allen & Unwin 2017) and she will show you how to shape your experiences into a well written, absorbing story.

Patti will help you to:

  • create the lived reality of your experience on the page
  • awaken your memory and boost your creativity
  • bring details to life to make your story more compelling
  • find structure to your work
  • let your readers see and feel the emotional and physical reality of your life through dialogue, action and appealing to the senses
  • find your unique voice to say what you want to say

And MUCH more.

There will be some readings, discussion and lots of writing with individual comment on your work. By its completion you will have made a start on your life story and have the confidence and techniques to continue.

You know you have a story to tell.

It’s your story.

You can be young, old, or any age in between

  • You don’t need decades of experience to write about your life
  • You don’t have to write about achieving success or overcoming obstacles
  • You can have a perfectly ordinary life – and this course will help you learn how to find and reveal the extraordinary part of it
  • You’ll discover, heal, share and explore a world of writing that’s bound to change … your life.

Participants will need to acquire a copy of the course text, Writing True Stories, (Allen & Unwin 2017 ed.) by Patti Miller, available at all good bookshops.

Reviews of Life Writing

“The course will give you practical guidance but also provide encouragement towards continuing to write and believing you can document your own life story.”

– Christine Danger

“As well as expanding my writing skills, this course has given me courage. Having the opportunity to meet and make friends with the other students in the class has linked me up with some wonderful people. We are now staying in touch as writing colleagues and will continue to support, share and learn from each other into the future. It’s very exciting.”

– Sarah Keenihan

“I’ve learned a number of techniques to access memory and bring the details to life. The feedback I received has also inspired me to keep going with my project.”

– Danielle Phelan

“Patti’s feedback was always honest and authentic. She is exceptional in running an online course and managing the time to discuss, share work and for information to be relayed to us.”

– Valerie Miller

Learn from Australia’s leading memoir teacher – Patti Miller

Our Life Writing course gives you the incredible opportunity to be mentored by Patti Miller – one of the best memoir presenters in the industry.

We offer two different course types:

Online Live courses

With our popular Online Live courses, you participate online from the comfort of your own home in a live Zoom video-based classroom. Patti and an intimate group of classmates are right there with you in real time as you explore the essential elements of life writing and apply them to your own work.

Weekend workshops

Our Life Writing weekend workshops allow you to learn from Patti in-person with a small group of classmates. These special events are only offered a few times a year and with very limited places available, we recommend booking your spot early to avoid missing out.

Enjoy exclusive access to our AWC Graduates’ Club

Want to know where all the cool kids hang out? The Graduates’ Club of course! Now, calm down – there are no cigars, leather armchairs or loud ticking grandfather clocks here. But it IS exclusive invitation only (on completion of a course) and it’s free! Meet other writers online and share successes, seek help or just get something off your chest. Many students believe this ‘legacy learning’ is one of the most valuable things about our AWC community, and who are we to argue? So if you want to receive feedback, support and a heads-up on opportunities … join the Club!

Starts Duration With
Course details:
Online live with tutor Learn in real-time using Zoom.
Tuesday 17 January 2023
6 mornings
10am–12pm AEDT
Patti Miller

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