Watch ‘Creative Conversations’ with world-class crime and thriller author L.A. Larkin

World-class crime and thriller author and Australian Writers’ Centre presenter, L.A. Larkin, joined Valerie Khoo for the ‘Creative Conversations’ Facebook Live event to discuss the adrenaline-fuelled world of crime and thriller writing. And you get to watch the replay here.

L.A. Larkin, also known as Louisa Bennet, talks about her fourth and latest page novel, Prey: the woman-in-jeopardy thriller that connects the British Cabinet, a Vietnamese billionaire and a South African teacher to a series of murders. Prey reintroduces the feisty investigative journalist Olivia Wolfe, who made her first appearance in L.A. Larkin’s page-turner, Devour

The British-Australian author reveals the extreme lengths she goes to when researching her books – from interviewing an FBI agent to travelling South Africa, where she learned to fire a rifle and patrolled reserve fences at night.

L.A.Larkin shares her 5 top tips for writing a thriller to hook any reader, where to find inspiration for gripping story ideas, and how to weave fiction with actual crime events. 

From writing by the seat of her pants to becoming a diligent plotter, L.A. Larkin explains how her writing process has changed over the years, and what methods she uses these days to write the perfect crime story.

Watch the replay of this episode of ‘Creative Conversations’ with L.A. Larkin now.

And, if you’ve been inspired to write a compelling crime or a chilling thriller, and want to be taught by L.A. Larkin herself, then take a look at our Crime and Thriller Writing course.


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